Smart contract development and security

Keeping security in mind is important when developing smart contracts and there are a number of different techniques and philosophies in regards to your smart contract development and security. Revisiting the NftFactory I was discussing earlier we’re deploying a new ERC721 from an address that isn’t verified so far. This could lead to anyone using… Continue reading Smart contract development and security

Using blockchain tech in recordkeeping

New Jersey Corporations have been permitted to maintain records using blockchain technologies under a law that was passed in Sept, 2021. A digital ledger, which was also called an electronic network by some involved, is now allowed to store data by the new law. There are many different types of blockchain networks, not only bitcoin.… Continue reading Using blockchain tech in recordkeeping

A basic NFT modifiers and more…

So far in our ERC721 contract we’ve got one function ( mintOneNft ) that’s public (external) and anyone can mint. There is a difference between a public function and external but for our case at this time we just need to know it can be accessed by anyone in the outside world. Let’s add a… Continue reading A basic NFT modifiers and more…

Factory Design Pattern with Solidity

The Factory design pattern is the most widely used design pattern from the popular 23 “Gang of Four” design patterns. The pattern designates that you define an interface or an abstract class for creating an object but you let the subclasses determine what class will be instantiated. The logic that creates the object isn’t exposed… Continue reading Factory Design Pattern with Solidity

Smart Contracts and an NFT

What are Smart Contracts A simple definition of smart contracts might be that they are immutable computer programs that operate independently on a blockchain and are executed when certain conditions are met specified by the smart contract developer. You can think of a blockchain as a public ledger or database that perminently records every single… Continue reading Smart Contracts and an NFT

Categorized as blockchain

Blockchain Advantages

Some of the most obvious reasons to integrate blockchain technologies into your situation would be global reach; you can send cryptocurrencies across the planet quickly and efficiently at a low cost. Access to smart contracts and decentralized software from anywhere allows extraordinary flexibility. If transparency while maintaining privacy is a concern; you don’t need to… Continue reading Blockchain Advantages